Monday, January 18, 2010

Nawiliwili, Kaua'i - day two

Day two on Kaua'i was a very interesting day... we rented a van with a tour guide and saw some beautiful sights around the island. It was a long day for the kids being cooped up in a vehicle but it just about became a LONGER day when we came very close to missing the boat - all 18 of us! Our guide did not allow enough time to get us back, failing to factor in construction, bumper to bumper single lane traffic (that's just how most of Hawaii is) etc! We were supposed to be back on the boat at 1:30pm and the boat was leaving at 2pm... WE GOT ON THE BOAT AT 2:10pm. She phone ahead and got one of her co-workers to go to the dock and plead her case and thankfully it worked! It was the last day and none of our stuff was packed up or anything, our passports were in our room safe and I don't even want to think of the chaos involved if we had to get our own way back to Honolulu! THANK YOU so much to NCL for waiting! The captain even met us at the door and was NOT impressed at all - he told us that if they got a fine from the docks for leaving late, we were getting it. So far, we haven't heard anything, so hopefully no news is good news. My aunt told me that when they were on a cruise in Cabo, Mexico, 32 people got left behind! We knew from the get-go that if you miss the boat, you need to get to the next port on your own - they wait for NO ONE! So we are very greatful that they did wait for us! Mahalo :)

The waterfall where Jurassic Park was filmed

The van that just about made us miss the boat!

The boys hanging out with the birds on a VERY long bathroom break... one stall, 18 people, ran outta TP part way through etc! Quite the gong show :)

Kilauea Point

Lighthouse @ Kilauea

Taro fields

The flexible, talented family gymnast

Hanalei Bay

View from inside the dry caves

Husking coconut


Sarah said...

Was it just your family members that were on that tour? Or were there others from the ship, too

Louise said...

just us - a 15 passenger van and a guide! she picked us up at 8:30am and was to have us back by 1pm in 'lots of time'... she tried to blame it on us and that the bathroom break took so long with all the kids etc! Well it was the first thing we did and no one really had to go, she just kept asking so we decided maybe it's now or never!? So if that sets you back, then you HAVE to subtract time from somewhere else! Eliminate something!!! It was a VERY stressful, feel like you're gonna barf from being so nervous kinda moment :S