Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hana Highway

Once again, we ventured out on the Hana Hwy... here are a couple sentences from the West Jet UP! magazine (Dec '09) article titled 'The Road to Hana by Harley', written by Colleen Seto, that I think sums everything up... "It's as though Maui's Road to Hana (officially and aptly called Highway 360) was built for motorcycles. The 600 curves and 54 one-lane bridges that leave many a rental car returned with a certain scent of 'eau de vomit' are the same ones that make the route riders paradise"... the whole article is written from a motorcycle perspective and after driving it, I can definitely see the reason for that mode of transportation! We were in a big rental Ford Excursion and there were some pretty tight corners! On some of the turns, you could see scrapes where vehicles had encountered the rock surface! As for the 'eua de vomit' there was a lot of that flying around too and hence the reason for a lot of stops and nature walks along the way... ah... fresh air....

This was actually on Dec 7th, near Paia and the waves were super big that day

Paia (along the Hana Hwy)


Dec 10th - waves, waves & more waves...




Waves - this was a really pretty stop

Huelo Lookout - fruit & smoothie stand... another fresh air stop :)


Nature walk...

... saw a lot of interesting plants, trees, roots, etc

Cole & daddy

weird huh?!

a 'rooty' staircase

some boys we found along the way :)

Quiet trees at work

At the end of the trail, the boys had a quick game of hide & seek - Uncle Murray searched the trees and 'found' the boys...

These two were the last monkeys found (on purpose of course)... I think Liam just about filled his pants when Uncle Murray snuck around the other side of the tree and scared them

our non-motorcycle wheels :)


one of our stops - there was a truck there selling neat jewellery etc for really cheap
The Oasis Pools, past Hana

Jackson @ Oasis Pools



1 comment:

Ara said...

hahaha 'eau de vomit'!!! That would be me!!! I would totally be the one in the front of the car line up going 20mph!! How did you like the Fod Excursion in comparison to your big vehicle?? I want an excursion!!