Monday, January 18, 2010

Hilo, Hawaii

Tuesday, December 1st, we were in Hilo, Hawaii - Jannelle, Sharla & I got a free shuttle to 'Hilo Hattie' for some famous Hawaiian shopping! We didn't really know what it was all about but yep, only spent a few minutes in there and headed for the nearest mall! Hilo Hattie is advertised EVERYWHERE and it's basically loaded with any Hawaiian souvenir or tropical printed clothing you could ever want... Discover Hawaii's largest selection of Hawaiian fashions, Gifts, souvenirs, t-shirts, home & beach accessories, beauty products, gourmet Foods and stunning Island jewelry. Hilo Hattie guarantees its shopper the best values, largest selection of Made in Hawaii gifts and a 100% quality guarantee on thousands of Hawaiian products.

We had some fun at Macy's though and got some great sales :)

Meanwhile... back on the boat... there were family activities at the pool deck, hosted by Rascal's Kids Club! Ethan was in a pie eating contest against his two uncles and a few others and he WON! Very thrilled about that! Miles was also in a contest where he had to eat a chocolate bar (AKA poop) out of a diaper and he also WON! :)

The only photos taken on this day were around the pool and they are already posted in the 'cruise boat' post! Sorry! This was also the night that we watched the lava flow from our deck!

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